2024年毕业典礼 & 毕业信息

日期: 2023年5月10日
时报》: 上午十时及下午二时
地点: 新希望浸信会 – North Campus

We are happy to announce plans 为 Southern Crescent Technical College’s 2024 Commencement Exercises!

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Friday, May 10, 10:00 AM Graduation – Programs Honored and 仪式 Itinerary

Students who are in these programs will attend the 10:00 AM 仪式 – Allied Health, 计算机信息系统, 艺术与科学, 急救和辅助医疗


  • 心血管
  • 计算机编程
  • 牙科协助
  • EMS
  • 一般的研究
  • 医疗保健管理
  • 跨学科研究
  • 医疗协助
  • 医疗接待员
  • 网络
  • 护理
  • 护士助手
  • Paramedicine
  • 实际的护理
  • 放血技术员
  • 放射技术
  • 呼吸技术
  • 外科手术技术
  • 网站设计
  • Plus, all other Allied Health, 计算机信息系统, and 艺术与科学 programs

Friday, May 10, 2:00 PM Graduation – Programs Honored and 仪式 Itinerary

Students who are in these programs will attend the 2:00 PM 仪式 – Business, 膜技术, 专业服务, 首先回应的, Technical and Industrial Technology Programs, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 双招生(高中)

  • 会计
  • 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台
  • 空调
  • 汽车技术
  • 企业管理
  • 商业技术
  • 木工/施工管理
  • 驾驶商用卡车
  • 美容
  • 刑事司法
  • 烹饪艺术
  • 柴油设备技术
  • 双招生(高中)
  • 幼儿教育
  • 法医科学
  • 膜技术
  • 园艺
  • 工业系统
  • 物流 & 供应链管理
  • 律师助理
  • 焊接
  • Plus, all other Business, 专业服务, Technical and Industrial Technology Programs



10:00 a.m. 仪式

  • 研究生 到达时间为 8:30 AM.
  • 研究生s should arrive dressed in their commencement regalia with no additional items. There is no storage space at the venue to place personal items. 十大网赌平台推荐 nor 新希望浸信会 will be liable 为 lost or stolen items. Once you leave the holding area you will not be able to return.
  • Upon arrival at 新希望浸信会, please park in the designated area(s). Do not park in reserved parking spaces. Access to graduate parking will be facilitated by turning onto Neely Rd.
  • Please refer to the Parking Map Key 为 student parking
  • Students will enter at the “Welcome Center Entrance” at Building C. This entrance is 为 研究生s only.
  • 签到表 为 名片 将会是 第一站 致所有毕业生. 大学毕业生必须 保持 他们给他们发了名片 在任何时候.
  • 如果你参加过十大网赌平台推荐 俱乐部或组织, you will need to see the advisor(s) in regards to 流苏和/或细绳 为 that club or organization prior to the day of graduation.
  • Participating graduates will receive one diploma cover at the 仪式.  十大网赌平台推荐 has teamed with Parchment to offer both a hard copy and official digital version of your credential.  Official credentials are mailed out approximately 8-10 weeks after final grades are received at the end of the graduating term.


2:00 p.m. 仪式

  • 研究生 到达时间为 12:30 PM
  • 研究生s should arrive dressed in their commencement regalia with no additional items. There is no storage space at the venue to place personal items. 十大网赌平台推荐 nor 新希望浸信会 will be liable 为 lost or stolen items. Once you leave the holding area you will not be able to return.
  • Upon arrival at 新希望浸信会, please park in the designated area(s). Do not park in reserved parking spaces. Access to graduate parking will be facilitated by turning onto Neely Rd.
  • Please refer to the Parking Map Key 为 student parking
  • Students will enter at the “Welcome Center Entrance” at Building C. This entrance is 为 研究生s Only.
  • 签到表 为 名片 将会是 第一站 致所有毕业生. 大学毕业生必须 保持 他们给他们发了名片 在任何时候.
  • 如果你参加过十大网赌平台推荐 俱乐部或组织, you will need to see the advisor(s) in regards to 流苏和/或细绳 为 that club or organization prior to the day of graduation.
  • Participating graduates will receive one diploma cover at the 仪式.  十大网赌平台推荐 has teamed with Parchment to offer both a hard copy and official digital version of your credential.  Official credentials are mailed out approximately 8-10 weeks after final grades are received at the end of the graduating term.



10:00 a.m. 下午2点.m. 仪式

  • Guest seating will begin at 9:00 a.m. 10点一班.m. 仪式及下午1:00.m. 下午两点.m. 仪式.
  • All guests will enter through the main lobby, and are advised to make their way to the sanctuary 为 seating.
  • Kindly show respect to others and avoid saving seats
  • Childcare facilities are not provided during the 仪式.  All children must be under adult supervision at ALL times. Daycare on site is 为 New Hope Weekday Education Enrollees ONLY.  Not 为 graduates or their guests.
  • Graduation gifts will be available 为 purchase at the venue prior to and after the 仪式, 由十大网赌平台推荐书店提供.
  • 停车-参见停车部分
  • 请参阅违禁物品部分



To ensure the health and safety of all venue visitors and staff, the following rules and regulations are to be observed 在任何时候:

  • 体贴. The 新希望浸信会 is a shared space. All guests, graduates, faculty, and staff have the right to enjoy the facility. 使用不恰当的语言, 骚扰行为, and/or public intoxication will not be tolerated. 这些行为, along with the following activities, are grounds 为 a guest’s dismissal from the venue:
    • Standing and/or taking pictures in the aisles
    • Sitting and/or standing on the shoulders of another guest
    • 投掷任何种类的物品
  • 严禁携带武器, 包括, 但不限于, 枪支, 枪支, 眩晕枪, 小刀, 钱包链, 梅斯, 和/或胡椒喷雾.  新希望浸信会 is a Weapons Free venue.
  • Smoking and tobacco use are 严格禁止的, 包括, 但不限于, Vapes, E-Cigs, snuff, dip and chewing tobacco.  新希望浸信会 is a Smoke and Tobacco Free venue.
  • 非法的物质 它们的用途是 严格禁止的. Guests found in possession of illegal substances or under the influence of any substance will be escorted out of the church and will be subject to prosecution.
  • 不派发门票. All graduates have been advised to be conscious of the number of guests they bring. 请不要预留座位. Please be advised that once the venue is at full capacity, admission into the 仪式 will be closed.


进入教堂前, graduates and guests are advised to leave all prohibited objects at home or in their cars. Entry with 为bidden items may result in dismissal from the premises.

Please be aware that 新希望浸信会 and Southern Crescent Technical College assume no responsibility 为 any confiscated items.

Guests are PROHIBITED FROM BRINGING the following items into 新希望浸信会:

  • 气溶胶罐
  • Balloons are not permitted in any facility building
  • Banners, posters, fliers, and/or signs
  • Beverages (only bottled water allowed in the sanctuary)
  • 开瓶器和软木塞螺丝
  • Candles (with flame) and/or torches
  • 嚼口香糖
  • Confetti is not permitted in any facility building
  • 烟花和/或爆炸物
  • Food (no food is allowed in the sanctuary)
  • Hoverboards
  • 非法的物质, drugs, and/or paraphernalia
  • 激光笔和/或打火机
  • 噪音制造装置
  • 机动车辆


  • 狼牙棒和/或胡椒喷雾
  • 宠物或其他动物


  • 政治竞选材料

(Including, 但不限于 t-shirts,


  • 有问题棒
  • 烟草制品或电子烟笔
  • 马车、婴儿车和/或手推车
  • Weapons, 钱包链, knives, 枪支, or 眩晕枪 of any kind

Parking 毕业生须知/Guests

Please see the parking map key 为 in为mation on designated parking areas 为 students and guests
