Online Learning

  When is student email available to new students?

你可能会在录取后不久看到你的学生邮件.  However, the standard is a week before classes begin.

Current students, 返校学生和新生在开学第一天就可以进入他们的课堂.


Flint campus has one computer lab in the library.


Henry has one computer lab on the first floor.


On Campus(横幅代码“CA”):主要在教室或实验室讲授的课程,在线教学的比例为50%或更少. On campus courses may include lecture, labs, internships, clinicals and other in-person instructional modalities. 校内课程不被视为远程学习课程. 
Blended (Banner code “BL”): Blended courses are distance learning courses with the majority of the course content, activities and interactions occurring online (>50% but <100% online) but may require students to come on campus for specific labs, assignments, activities, or events. Blended 课程必须在课程目录中详细说明任何现场课程组成部分. 
Online Synchronous  (横幅代码“OS”):与课程内容完全在线同步教学的课程, activities and interactions occurring entirely online. 这种交付方式要求学生在学期的特定日期/时间在线. Online synchronous courses may require proctored events, which must be detailed in the course catalog. 一定要提供有关虚拟会议的日期和时间以及如何访问它们的信息. 
Online Asynchronous  (横幅代码“OA”):与课程内容完全在线异步教学的课程, activities and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method does not require students to be online at specific dates/times, 学生可以异步参与课堂活动和完成课程作业. 在线异步课程可能需要监控事件, which must be detailed in the course catalog. 

一些在线/混合课程需要带有“访问密钥”的书籍,该密钥只能与新书一起使用或直接从出版商处购买. 如果您不确定是否需要访问密钥,请与您的在线课程讲师联系.

Free Office 365

目前注册的学生有资格下载并安装Office 365 (Word), Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint),只要是注册学生就可以免费使用. 此版本的Microsoft Office不包括Microsoft Access.

All you have to do is follow the instructions on http://products.office.com/en-us/student

乔治亚州技术学院系统(TCSG)使用合理的预防措施来最大限度地保护您在本网站的隐私. TCSG cannot ensure absolute privacy. 对于任何安全漏洞或任何第三方因此类安全漏洞而采取的任何行动,我们概不负责. These terms 告知您TCSG在本网站向您收集的信息,以及我们如何处理这些信息.


  How do I learn how to use Blackboard?

At the beginning of each term, 您将自动注册到Blackboard教学教程中. 这可以在Blackboard网站的“我的组织”下找到. 如果您是晚注册的,教程可能不会显示您第一次或两次登录. After the first day of the term, 本教程的注册在每天结束时更新,可能需要另外一天的时间才能反映在您的Blackboard页面上.

Yes! Even face-to-face classes, which are called web-enhanced, have a Blackboard course associated with them. Web-enhanced classes contain your course syllabus, a course schedule, course resources, your grades, and the instructor contact information.

No. 十大网赌平台推荐对所有学生帐户使用单点登录(SSO)过程. 学生必须设置Okta才能访问学生电子邮件、Banner Web和Blackboard. Visit About Okta, Office 365, and Helpdesk for instructions on getting setup.

During the first 3 days of the semester, 学生需要进入每个Blackboard课堂并进行学术活动. 教师通常使用教学大纲测验或讨论板作业作为活动来验证在课程中的存在.

We recommend Chrome or Firefox.

Yes! 每个学生都参加了学生黑板训练课程. 登录到Blackboard后,您将在My Organizations模块下看到这个培训链接.

If you don’t see your class(es) in Blackboard, 查看Banner Web以确保课程列在你的时间表上. 如果课程没有显示在Banner Web中,请在Banner Web中检查您的经济援助奖励状态. 如果没有助学金,这门课可能就被取消了. 该课程也可能因未付款或未出勤而被取消. 如果你仍然不确定为什么你的课程没有显示在Banner Web, please contact Academic Affairs at 770-228-7361.


“电子邮件”回复将发送到您的学生电子邮件(Microsoft Outlook),而不是通过Blackboard发送. 在Blackboard内部只发送和接收“课程信息”.

一些课程要求学生使用访问代码来访问Blackboard中的Publisher内容. 如果您购买的代码不能工作,请联系您的讲师和十大网赌平台推荐书店. Also, be sure to enter your student email, and not your personal email, when setting up accounts with access codes.


Clear the cache in your internet browser.

  • 当您收到留言时,请联系管理员.
  • When you receive an error inside your Blackboard course.

  • Install or uninstall software on personal devices, 包括第三方应用程序,如Cengage和MindTap.
  • Attempt to troubleshoot on your device. 远程教育可以帮助您完成在设备上进行故障排除的步骤.
  • Open course content (a module, unit, folder, test, (或作业)没有直接与老师交谈就到期了.